BHL Portal Updates!

The BHL portal ( has been updated with the following changes:

  • A new option has been added to filter results by the language in which items are published. For example, Titles published in English, or Authors with works published in German. This option complements the pre-existing option to filter results by contributing institution.
  • An advanced search page ( has been added. This page allows a user to search on any combination of search categories (Titles, Authors, Names, or Subjects), instead of just one or all of the categories. It also allows search results to be limited by the publishing language.
  • OCLC numbers associated with each title have been cleaned up. This means that the “Find in a local library” link on each title’s bibliography page should now work correctly.
  • Sorting of individual items within a single title has been improved. See the right side of this page ( for an example. You can see that the volumes are listed in order, v1 to v 92. Prior to the correction, the volumes were sorting as follows: v1, v10, v11, v12, … v2, v20, v21, v22, … v3, v30, v31, v32.
  • Call numbers, when available, should now display correctly on bibliography pages.
  • Some minor updates have been made to the page that displays the discovered bibliography for a name. An example is Changes have been made to retrieve data as needed, instead of all at once, which has improved performance greatly. However, there remains a lengthy delay in retrieving large data sets, so we know that more work is needed here. At a minimum, we know that we need to improve the feedback given to the user while large data sets are being retrieved.

Also of note:

Some inconsistencies with title information have been identified. We had believed that the MARC leader assigned to an item would be sufficient to uniquely identify a title. This has turned out to not be the case (affecting about one-half of one percent of the titles we’ve ingested from Internet Archive), so we’ve had to adjust how we identify which items belong to which titles. The cleanup of this data is ongoing.

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Mike Lichtenberg is the Lead Developer for the Biodiversity Heritage Library.