WonderFetch(tm) & IA _meta.xml fields
WonderFetch is the term used for prepopulating the Internet Archives metadata forms (so named because it is more wonderful than regular z39.50 fetching). Using WonderFetch, partner libraries can populate fields with data that would not normally be populated as part of the standard IA process, and then store those values in the foobar_meta.xml file alongside each scanned item in the IA repository. Part of the impetus for implementing WonderFetch was not just to automate the inclusion of volume and issue information for serials – which was important – but to also capture due diligence, rights, and licensing information related to each item. (And yes, the TM is a little joke! No rights reserved).
How does it work?
WonderFetch is simply passing a series of parameters to the IA metaform software in a URL string. If you can do a Z39.50 query against your ILS and get your data into a format that will let you generate a URL (say, an HTML page output from a database, or a spreadsheet with your item data in it) you can WonderFetch!
To create WonderFetch links from your data, just append the relevant arguments and data (listed below) to one of 2 base URLs.
If your books are being “loaded”, that is, if the metadata fetch is occurring on a scribe2 machine and the scanner is using the WonderFetch while at the SCRIBE machine, use http://localhost.archive.org/biblio.php? as the base URL.
If your books are being pre-loaded or batch loaded on another computer before being scanned, or your SCRIBE is using the scribe1 software, use http://www.us.archive.org/biblio.php? as the base URL. Using this URL, your scanner person will notice that they can’t actually start shooting the book – this link only allows them to fetch metadata and create the foobar_meta.xml and marc.xml records.
For example, at SIL the scanner loads the books at the scribe station, and we Z-fetch on our barcode number (starts with 39088) so our URLs look like:
Below are the arguments each field takes, along with examples. The examples given are values BHL partners will be using (for rights statement, e.g.).
(For additional reference, some definitions and usage of the standard IA fields can be found in: http://www.us.archive.org/biblio?f=usage )
LIST OF FIELDS in META_XML that can be pre-populated using WonderFetch:
Description: Number for ZQuery – this is *not* necessarily the call number of the item. It *is* the number used to fetch the MARC record for the item via Z39.50 from your ILS. Whatever works for you – barcode, bib number, oclc number, call number, etc.
Prepopulatable: Yes.
WonderFetch GET arg: “&z;_d=”
example: &z;_d=39088009080136
Description: Unique identifier for the item in Contributor library’s catalog.
Prepopulatable: Yes
WonderFetch GET arg: “&b;_ib=”
example: &b;_ib=39088009080136
Description: Unique identifier for title in Contributor library’s catalog.
Prepopulatable: Yes
WonderFetch GET arg: “&tid;=”
example: &tid;=b12345
Description: Volume of Book being scanned.
Prepopulatable: Yes.
WonderFetch GET arg: &b;_v=
example: &b;_v=v.%209%201907 (v. 9 1907)
Description: Year assigned to Book being scanned
Prepopulatable: Yes.
WonderFetch GET arg: &year;=
example: &year;=1907
Description: Collection(s) into which Book will be sorted.
Prepopulatable: Yes
WonderFetch GET arg: “&b;_c1=” (c1 indicates primary collection, there is also c2 and c3)
example: &b;_c1=biodiversity
Description: Library contributing Book for scanning
Prepopulatable: Yes
WonderFetch GET arg: “&b;_l=”
example: &b;_l=Smithsonian%20Institution%20Libraries
Description: Organization responsible for funding scanning
Prepopulatable: Yes
WonderFetch GET arg: “&b;_p=”
example: “&b;_p=Sloan”
Description: Scanning Center where book was scanned.
Prepopulatable: yes
Get arg: “&b;_n=”
example: &b;_n=Boston
Description: URL to Due Diligence statement for a Book scanned while still in Copyright.
Prepopulatable: Yes
WonderFetch GET arg: ⅆ=
examples: ⅆ=dd-bhl (this signifies a due diligence statement exists at the following url http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/permissions )
Description: Creative Commons License assigned to Book scanned.
Prepopulatable: Yes
WonderFetch GET arg: “&lic;=”
&lic;= by ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)
&lic;= by-nc ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/)
&lic;= by-nd ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/)
&lic;= by-sa (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/)
&lic;= by-nc-nd ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/)
&lic;= by-nc-sa ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/)
Description: URL to Negotiated Rights for a Book scanned while still in Copyright.
Prepopulatable: Yes
WonderFetch GET arg: “&rights;=”
&rights;=nr-bhl (this signifies that a statement of right to digitize exists at the following URL: http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/permissions/)
Description: indicates copyright status, defaults to Not in Copyright
Get arg: “&pcs;=”
To make this field blank, because it *is* in copyright, but you have permission to digitize, pass a url encoded space as the parameter, e.g. &pcs;=%20
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