Mendeley and BHL

BHL has integrated a new feature that enables easy addition of BHL books into your Mendeley library. Mendeley is a modern platform and social network for sharing and storing research, and is fast becoming one of the most feature-rich reference management applications in common use by scientists. Mendeley has a wealth of great features to aid scientists in managing reference materials and find others with similar interests, and best of all, it’s free.

When you are browsing a book or viewing its bibliographic information, the Mendeley icon View Full Size Image appears in the “Connect wth BHL” panel along the left side of the screen.

Take, for example, Linnaeus’ Systema Naturae from 1758:

Clicking the Mendeley icon automatically adds this title to your Mendeley library. If you don’t have a Mendeley account, you can create one. Once the citation has been imported into Mendeley you can share it with your colleagues, tag it with keywords, or add it to other groups you’ve joined.

You might also consider joining the BHL Group, which includes articles about BHL and related research:

Including this new feature in BHL helps put our legacy literature into modern systems, and gives you an easy way to incorporate BHL materials into your research.

For enhancements and suggestions for improvement, please leave a comment!

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Chris Freeland served as the BHL Technical Director from 2006-2012. He is currently the Director of the Open Libraries program at Internet Archive. In this capacity he works with libraries & publishers to digitize their collections, working towards the Archive’s mission of providing “universal access to all knowledge.”