We’ve Expanded the BHL FAQ!

BHL FAQ now expanded

We’ve expanded the BHL FAQ, providing answers to the most common questions we receive from our users. For example…

Do you need help searching BHL? There’s an FAQ for that.

Do you want to know how to download content from BHL? The FAQ has you covered.

Wondering if you can reuse material from BHL? Learn more about reuse in our FAQ.

The FAQ is the best place to find answers to your questions about BHL, our collection, and our services. The best way to find an answer for a specific question is to use the FAQ search box. You can also browse by topics using the FAQ categories (e.g. Download, Search, Scientific Names, etc.).

Search box for the BHL FAQ.

Use the FAQ search box to find an answer to a specific question.

The week of 15 July 2019, we’ll be updating the BHL website to replace the links to our Feedback form with links to the FAQ. BHL is voluntarily staffed by our Partner Libraries, and we are limited in our ability to personally respond to individual feedback submitted by our patrons. We encourage you to consult the FAQ first if you need help and to find answers to your questions. We will continue to expand this resource over time. The FAQ also provides information on how to contact us if needed.

Thank you for using the FAQ as your first stop for any BHL-related questions!

Avatar for Grace Costantino
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Grace Costantino served as the Outreach and Communication Manager for the Biodiversity Heritage Library from 2014 to 2021. In this capacity, she developed and managed BHL's communication strategy, oversaw social media initiatives, and engaged with the public to excite audiences about the wealth of biodiversity heritage available in BHL. Prior to her role as Outreach and Communication Manager, Grace served as the Digital Collections Librarian for Smithsonian Libraries and as the Program Manager for BHL.