New and Improved Social Media Interactions

If you’re active in social media, chances are you’ve already discovered our presence on a variety of platforms, including Facebook, Flickr, Pinterest and Twitter (for a list of all of our social media accounts, visit our public wiki). You can now also see linked icons to each of our social media platforms on the lower left-hand side of BHL’s home page.

We love the way social media has allowed us to connect and interact with users in a way we couldn’t before, including sharing thousands of beautiful images with you, conducting daily trivia contests, and hearing from you about what you like about BHL and what you’d like to see improved or added to our site or collection. As great as this has been, we think we can do more. So, our technical development team has been busy providing you with even more ways to socially interact with BHL content.

Cue the social media icons. As we mentioned before, on the lower left-hand side of the BHL page, you now see icons for our social media outlets. But in the BHL website header you will also see Facebook “Like” and Twitter “Tweet” buttons.

What do these buttons do? They allow you to share aspects of BHL that you like with your friends and followers with a single click. If you’re on the BHL homepage and you click the Facebook “Like” button, your profile will indicate that you “like” BHL. Similarly, if you click on the “Tweet” button, you can tweet the BHL link to your followers.

But perhaps this isn’t enough. Say you want to “like” or share a specific title, volume, or page with your friends and followers. All you have to do is find the content that you want to “Like” or “Tweet” and click on the Facebook “Like” or Twitter “Tweet” button while on that page in BHL to send a title, volume, or page specific tweet or page post.

We think that’s pretty cool, and we hope it will allow you to share your serendipitous moments of awesome biodiversity literature discovery with the world!

If you have any thoughts or comments about these developments, or other ideas that you’d like to see implemented, don’t hesitate to send us some feedback or, better yet, tell us via Facebook or Twitter!

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Gilbert Borrego served as a Library Technician at Smithsonian Libraries for the Biodiversity Heritage Library from 2014-2013.